Oya Atalay Franck
EAAE President
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering ZHAW:
Winterthur (Switzerland)

EAAE is a globally connected European network for architectural education. For more than 45 years it has been fostering exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience in architectural culture, education and research. This includes the development of research-practice-driven architectural education. It represents over 150 members covering the full geographical spectrum from Europe – East, West, North, South – and beyond. EAAE aims to ensure the education and empowerment of the future generations of architects, designers and planners – leading to careers as socially responsible, culturally engaged creative citizens.
In its quest for building an inclusive and sustainable future, also the New European Bauhaus initiative relies on empowered and educated citizens. The initiative points out that architecture and urban planning only have an effect when an interdisciplinary approach is applied. This is even more important, when dealing with global issues we face in architecture and urban planning such as the growing population, the widening gap between rich and poor, the ageing society, migration, climate change, mobility, scarcity of land, affordable housing, fragile ecosystems, etc.
When planning, designing, and constructing high-quality urban and living spaces, we need to learn from each other and across borders. EAAE Annual Conferences offer an ideal platform for such an exchange and a possibility for building networks and maintaining existing partnerships. We are very grateful that the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is hosting this year’s Conference. With its focus on ‘The New European Bauhaus, Challenges in Architectural Education & Research’ it thematically follows on from last year’s EAAE events and thus continues to stimulate the urgently needed discussions on sustainability.
I am looking very much forward to welcoming you in Madrid!
Prof. Dr. Oya Atalay Franck
EAAE President